
P Brightman, S Brightman, E Clarke, M Coles, R Coles, C Dark, C Dark, G Dark, J Dark, S Dark,        C Don, D Don, K Don, M Don, D Haste, S Haste, R Farmer, J Jenkins, P Lloyd-Jacob, R McKenzie,     I Miller, A Read, S Read, J Smewing, J Smewing, M Stubberfield, D Tickner-Wand, S Weller.


Chairman’s Welcome

The meeting opened at 8.15pm.  Richard welcomed everyone and explained that RRND comprised of two different Clubs, ACU and AMCA, and normally we would have two different agendas, but for ease we had decided to have one combined agenda.


Apologies for Absence

D Charman, T Charman, P Cluskey, P Jenkins, N Lewis, K Thompson, S Whitmore, D Wooster,         S Wooster.


Minutes of AGM held on 27th February 2008

Approved.  Proposed by John Smewing and seconded by Danny Haste.


Matters Arising

The idea of having Malcolm Coles and Grace Dark as Committee members to represent the younger members of the Club had not really worked.  However, we hoped that younger members would feel they could approach them to discuss any issues.


Committee Reports :


Editor’s Report

Unfortunately Dave Wooster was unable to attend the AGM.  Richard apologised on his behalf   for the late issue of the current copy of the magazine which had been caused by difficulties beyond David’s control.  Richard confirmed that David would be standing down as Editor and any problems with the production of the magazine would be resolved shortly.


Treasurer’s Report for year ending 30th September 2008

The Club currently has reserves of £14,004 and Jo described 2008 as a break even year.  Most of the trials made a small profit with the exception of the Training Trials but we gain new members from these.  The running costs of the Club magazine increased slightly, mainly because it is now more professionally produced.   We also spent more on the Camping Weekend with new equipment being trialled with a view to updating same.  The Old Codger made a profit.  Donations increased by £250 due to monies given by the Club towards the Don Barrett Memorial at Betchworth.  The cost of Club trials would not be increased for 2009 and we will be more vigilant in collecting the extra £3 from guest riders.  We must be mindful that we do not dip into our reserves to cover the day to day running of the Club.


Membership Secretary’s Report

In 2008 we had 122 members – 77 Adults, 8 Honorary, 35 Junior and 2 Social, almost the same as 2007.


Competition Secretary’s Report

Jo read this out in Pete’s absence.

Not many people attend the monthly Club nights, which now take place after the monthly Committee meetings, so that members can talk to Committee members and discuss any issues they may have.  The ACU Star Group is struggling to keep members and Southern Sporting will be pulling out after this year so that will be one less Star Group trial available to ride.  We find it difficult to obtain observers for our own Star Group trial although we are always told that we run a good trial.  The South Coast trials are popular.  We may use our South Coast trial in August as our Club trial and not have a trial at the Camping Weekend.  Pete thanked those who had helped out at Club trials in 2008.


Social Secretary’s Report

The Camping Weekend ran like clockwork.  We may drop the trial on the Bank Holiday Monday as it can be intrusive, with people trying to pack to go home as well as helping to clear up.  Members seem happy with this as long as there is some sort of organised entertainment or activity instead.  The South Coast trial in August will possibly double as our August Club trial too.  The horse racing on the Saturday night proved very popular once again and Jo asked for ideas for this year’s weekend.  Some of the guys attended the Isle of Man TT and the girls’ weekend away was in Giverny, France, a superb location.  It would be nice to see more members at the monthly Club nights so that ideas can be discussed with the Committee.  We are struggling with numbers for our planned Dinner Dance on 28 March 2009 and may have to cancel.


Chairman’s Report

This year was always going to be an interesting one for the Committee, being as it was the first without Antony and his encyclopaedic knowledge of Club affairs.

We did not set out to make any great changes – after all the Committee was for the greater part unchanged.  Our main thoughts at the start of 2008 were that we might invest some money to revamp the website and this was debated at the last AGM.  In the event this would have meant a huge amount of work for a few knowledgeable Committee members who were already very committed in other aspects of the Club and it became largely unnecessary with the assistance and willingness of Bruce to adapt the existing website and to promptly update it.

Instead we have concentrated on trying to encourage new riders, and thus gain members, and have promoted the training trials as an excellent way for riders to get started and for us to get to know them and assist them when they move on to Club trials.  It was good to see a small gain in members over the previous year.  We have some ideas about obtaining Club machines to enable newcomers to try the sport without major investment but this requires further debate as it brings issues of liability and problems of storage and maintenance.

Members will have seen the Club magazine and my article on entry fees.  The Club is in a good financial state but will not make any money from its trials this year.  Having said that, we are here to promote sport for the members and as long as we do not squander the reserves but can maintain the fund we can keep entry fees as they are.  There are also other ways in which we may be able to reduce overall costs but this will not be at the expense of access to land and the quality of the trials.

The pressures that the economic misfortunes of the last year have brought in our home lives have added to the responsibility that all the Committee have taken for running the Club and I am very pleased that, despite this, all have indicated their willingness to serve for another year.  I would like to thank them for their support.  All put themselves out to serve the Club and I know that those of you here tonight share that feeling of responsibility and comprise the nucleus of members we turn to when we need assistance.  Some of the Committee have indicated they may seek to stand down next year.  Perhaps that is something that you might consider over the next 12 months!  Thank you.


Election to Committee

Every year it is standard practice that the whole Committee stands down and is re-elected by the members.  All Committee members are up for re-election, with the exception of Dave Wooster who will be standing down as Editor but will be continuing as Sub Editor and hopefully still printing the Club magazine for us.  Debbie Don kindly put her name forward for the position.  However, all positions are offered to the Club.

Colin Don proposed Debbie Don as Editor, seconded by Ian Miller.  The remaining existing Committee members were unanimously voted in en-bloc and the 2009 Committee will be :

Chairman                                              Richard Coles

Secretary                                              Jan Smewing

Treasurer                                               Jo Jenkins

Editor                                                    Debbie Don

Sub Editor                                             Dave Wooster

Membership Secretary                                  Shelley Wooster

Competition Secretary                                  Pete Jenkins

Assistant Competition Secretaries            Eric Clarke, Pat Lloyd-Jacob

Committee Members                                   Dave Charman, Danny Haste

Any Other Business

Derek Tickner-Wand again suggested perhaps changing our Over 40s championship to an Over 50s championship.  Unfortunately it is too late to do this for 2009 so we may consider still running the Over 40s but adding an Over 50s in 2010.  This will be discussed at Committee meetings.


Presentation of Awards

Richard presented the individual awards.

The Committee Cup was awarded to Malcolm Coles for all his help with the training trials during 2008.

The Clubman’s Cup was awarded jointly to Richard Coles and Jo Jenkins.


Debbie Don kindly proposed a vote of thanks to the Committee for all their hard work.


The meeting closed at 9.45pm.